I arrived at my second class ( unintentionally 1 1/2 hours) early. It was good for me to get some warm up painting going. We did a critique on last week's orange and blue studies. I learned a lot from other people in the class. It is quite amazing the limited palette could look so different under different brushes. After the crit, we proceeded on using red and green. I chose Alizarin Crimson and Hookers Green and brought some produce for the market to paint.
Briefly what I learned today:
My fear of watercolour has lifted. Painting with acrylic in a watercolour manner is fun.
I had learned painting mainly from a couple painting teachers, really one. As much as he is a very great painter, learning from Karen has been very refreshing. Her teaching style paired with my readiness to explore is a perfect match.
Painting acrylic on raw canvas... I can't wait to try it!